Welcome to the website of artist Graham Jefford

Site updated 31st January 2020 - See a taster of nearly 40 new works to be shown in Wendover at www.alittlebirdtoldmegallery.com from 5th to 29th March. The theme of the exhibition is WENDOVER COUNTRY - local landscapes in all seasons. Not the well known picture postcard views but those snippets of our countryside which many people might pass by, and all within walking distance of home. How many will you recognise?
Site updated 31st January 2020 - See a taster of nearly 40 new works to be shown in Wendover at www.alittlebirdtoldmegallery.com from 5th to 29th March. The theme of the exhibition is WENDOVER COUNTRY - local landscapes in all seasons. Not the well known picture postcard views but those snippets of our countryside which many people might pass by, and all within walking distance of home. How many will you recognise?